I was recently having a nose at the book O’Reilly Network Security Assesssment by Chris McNab. Early on the book describes the web app vulnerability…
I write about things I see/do/like
I was recently having a nose at the book O’Reilly Network Security Assesssment by Chris McNab. Early on the book describes the web app vulnerability…
An interesting take on the traditional bitcoin blackmail email
An overview of ISO 27001 for information security
I recently was pointed to a comment on the 360 Security – Antivirus Boost app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qihoo.security&reviewId=Z3A6QU9xcFRPSG1HSTRaSVdNelVWY3FhZk5zcFlFMnZKeXRKRHhhQUE4VU9pLWV4UFBxeHJ3Xy1ZZWU2bEpOLTg0eGxzczFCV0lkaWxxTHRzZTQ4RWxzU2c). This comment, posted by a Neel Bonnie, reports that…
As a piece of coursework, I had to write a summation and review of the aforementioned data breach, and the response taken to it. Below is my article.
This post is going to aim to provide a brief overview of what The Rainbow Series of books is, and a summary of The Orange…
As part of my current degree, we get a few weeks for self-study in between modules. So, I’m going to try and write up notes…
Today was the first day of my Cyber Security course, and on the first day we were given an assignment. We have to prepare presentations…