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365 Questions: When was the last time you tried something new?

I am a member of a local public speaking group, which is run under the Toastmasters International flag. The aim of this group is to help people to develop their public speaking skills. One of the parts of a typical session is Table Topics- people are given a topic, and have only a few seconds to form a coherent response, in the form of a short speech (lasting around 1 minute). Someone recently showed me a list of 365 Table Topics questions which can be used for Table Topics. I thought: there’s nothing to limit these to verbal responses. So, I introduce to you my latest writing project: 365 Questions. I want to attempt to do one a day as a writing exercise, alongside my usual sporadic posts. If nothing else, it will be interesting to see what effect it has on my search rankings (if any!) My first question:

1. When was the last time you tried something new?

The cop-out answer would of course be “this”. I’m trying to make these posts akin to a 1 minute duration speech, so that isn’t really acceptable. So, reading before bed. It’s not something novel (pun intended), but it is new to me. I usually read on my phone before bed (paradoxically r/nosleep), but often sleep poorly. People shout from the rooftops about using phones in bed being bad, and so I am transitioning to reading books. I have been doing this for about a week now, and I cannot say it has had any noticeable impact on my quality of sleep. That said, it does make me feel better about myself.

I’m currently reading The Tommyknockers, which I started when I was in Japan. After this, I want to try and read more of the classics; I have The Heart of Darkness waiting for me, and The Dogs of War on order. I would like to be more cultured in my own way, and I quite like the idea of having a strong foundational knowledge of literature. I’m currently reading a less popular Stephen King book, but it does make me feel as though I’m working towards some intangible aim. I think that it will also be beneficial to me to read by authors other than Stephen King for once; I feel like I habitually take a similar tone to him when writing, so mixing up my readings could be helpful in developing my own style.

In summary, to answer the question: Reading for a half hour before bed every night.

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